Product: Fercrisa Plus


Fercrisa Plus

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Bio stimulant of high nutritional value. FERCRISA PLUS is a nitrogenous organic fertiliser in the form of a microgranulate. Instant solubility that facilitates foliar application and fertigation. Due to the high content of FERCRISA PLUS in Nitrogen, natural Potassium, Iron and Magnesium, it has a nutritional action that is complementary to its bio stimulant effect.

  • Increases root development
  • Enhances the vegetative growth development
  • Stimulates flowering, fruit setting and fruit development
  • Increases resistance to stress situations (cold, heat, drought, phytosanitary treatments, etc)
  • Facilitates and increases the absorption of soil and foliar nutrients.
  • Causes an earlier and homogeneous ripening of the fruits
  • Promotes the assimilation of Calcium within cells.
  • Prolongs the preservation of the fruits, after harvest.
  • Increases Iron and Potassium levels in plants.



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