Product: Fercrisa Simetrix


Fercrisa Simetrix

FERCRISA SIMETRIX is a formulation based on bioactive compounds with immediate action, with an effective and rapidly available nutritional contribution that favors the orderly and balanced growth of the plant between its aerial and root parts. Get a homogeneous fruiting and maturation. FERCRISA SIMETRIX provides constant and sustained energy from the root to the fruit, activating the growth of the microflora and facilitating the assimilation of nutrients. SIMETRIX technology ensures the balance, equilibrium and immediate availability of the formulated elements. Designed for the formulation of plant tissue with a biostimulant effect, reducing different types of stress, increasing all the internal power of the plant, achieving constant growth and strength in crops. Its formulation allows optimal and immediate dissolution and can be applied by foliar and root.

Format: 10 liters


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