Product: Fercrisa Premium


Fercrisa Premium

FERCRISA PREMIUM is a formulation of animal origin with a high concentration of amino acids in granular form, dispersible in water, obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of blood meal. Biostimulant and great source of nutrients due to its high content of amino acids (mainly free amino acids) and also nitrogen. Especially indicated in the phases of growth, flowering and fruit set, as well as in stress situations due to adverse weather conditions and/or transplants in all crops. 100% of the amino acids in FERCRISA PREMIUM are of the L-left-handed type, fully assimilable by the plant.

Format: 3 kilos


-Vegetables (Transplant until harvest)
Foliar: 100-200 g/hl
Fertigation: 1 to 3 Kg/Ha
-Fruit and citrus (From the beginning of sprouting to harvest)
Foliar: 150-250 g/hl
Fertigation: 2 to 4 Kg/Ha
-Olive (At the beginning of budding (March). At flowering (April-May). At fruit set (July). During veraison (September))
Foliar: 100-200 g/hl
Fertigation: 1-3 Kg/Ha

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