Product: Fercrisa Pirex (Professional use)


Fercrisa Pirex (Professional use)

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FERCRISA PIREX is a broad-spectrum, highly effective insecticide of botanical origin for the control of whiteflies and aphids. It acts by contact and by ingestion producing paralysis and the immediate death of the plague. It has a fast and powerful shock effect. Indicated for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and in rotation with other products it is recommended for resistance management.

Carry out in 1 and 3 applications with an interval of 7 days between applications. Start treatments at the beginning of the pest infestation. The treatments must be carried out by adjusting the volume of broth to achieve a good coverage of the plant. Between 300-1,000 l/ha in open-air and greenhouse cultivation for tomatoes, aubergines, peppers and okra or okra (the latter is only used in greenhouses). And between 300-750 l/ha in open-air cultivation for celery, lettuce, spinach, barbarea, watercress, young shoots, brassicas, lamb’s lettuce, escarole, chard, aromatic herbs and edible flowers, cress, Chinese mustard, parsley, chervil, arugula and purslane. And between 200-800 l/ha for table vines and vinification.

Format: 1L and 5L bottles


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