Product: Fercrisa Complet


Fercrisa Complet

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Organic liquid fertiliser of vegetable origin and easy assimilation, for foliar and root application, with high content of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium.

  • Product easily assimilated, residue-free, 100% of vegetable origin. Its content in Fulvic Acids and Organic Matter confer bio stimulant effects and favour the release of blocked elements in the soil.
  • Very complete fertiliser that provides organic materials, mineral and vegetable nutrients like amino acids, proteins, lipids, different acids, enzymes, nucleic acids, bases, nucleic acids, chlorophyll, lignin, quinones, waxes, sugars, etc. in addition to soluble inorganic substances like K, Ca and SO4 and organic substances resulting from metabolic processes of yeasts and microorganisms.
  • It is a nutrient of rapid absorption and high efficacy by foliar and root application, both in herbaceous and woody crops.

FORMAT: 25 L and 1000 L containers.


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