Product: Fercrisa Complet-N


Fercrisa Complet-N

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Its free amino acids are obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis in a natural way from proteins of plant origin. It constitutes a nutrient of rapid absorption and high efficiency, both in herbaceous and woody crops, its use is very widespread in olive groves. It favors the rooting, flowering, setting and ripening of the fruits. It improves the ability to react to adverse conditions, as well as helps the recovery of crops weakened by drought, frost … etc. It plays an important role in the synthesis of proteins and phytohormones such as auxins, cytokinins, polyamines, porphyrins, etc … and they influence the regulation of the water balance, which is important for rainfed crops such as olive groves, almonds etc. Besides, it also facilitates the assimilation of mineral foliar fertilizers.


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