Product: Fercrisa CaB


Fercrisa CaB

FERCRISA CaB is a complexed calcium solution with micronutrients. Corrector for calcium and boron deficiencies to be applied by foliar and soil, its use improves the quality of the fruits, enhances vegetative growth, and increases the yield and quality of the harvest. Its use guarantees the translocation and mobility of calcium into the plant due to its stabilization with natural gluconic acid.

FORMAT: 5 l container


6.2 kg


Calcium (CaO) soluble in water (AG complexed) —–10,0 % w/w
Boron (B) soluble in water —–0,5 % w/w


Apricot, hazel, plum, apple, pear, citrus, strawberry, tomato and other horticultural products, ornamentals, vineyards and vine olive grove, nursery——– 200-400 cc/hl

Apricot, hazel, plum, apple, pear, citrus, strawberry, tomato and other horticultural products, ornamentals, vineyards and vine olive grove, nursery——– 3-5 l/Ha (distributed in 2-3 irrigation)

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